News & Events

05 February 2025
UMgungundlovu District Celebrates Matric Class of 2024 at Inspirational Awards Ceremony
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa – February 5, 2025
The UMgungundlovu District Matric Class of 2024 Awards Ceremony, held at the Pietermaritzburg Athletic Stadium, was a resounding success, celebrating the academic excellence and achievements of the district’s top learners. The event, led by Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma, was a collaborative effort between the Department of Education UMgungundlovu Distr...

28 January 2025
Earlier today, the Department of Education, under the leadership of District Director Mr. S Mabinza, presented the 2024 National Senior Certificate results for uMgungundlovu District to the District Mayor, Cllr Mzi Zuma, at the Council Chambers. The meeting was attended by various officials including uMDM Speaker Cllr N Gabela, uMDM Management, and Mr. S Mabinza and his team from the Department of Education.
A notable highlight from the presentation of the results was the impressive improvement in the performance of schools situated in rural and township areas. Mr. Mabinza praised uMgungundlovu District for maintaining a competitive pass rate, ranking within the top 15 out of 74 districts in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal.
Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma expressed his excitement, particularly congratulating a student from Emzamweni High School for winning an excellence award in Physical Sciences at a national level, showcasing the district's academic prowess. The Mayor emphasized the district’s dedication to education, urging immediate intervention for a high school with a pass rate of 46.7%. He also pledged the District Municipality's support to the Department of Education in order to achieve a 95% pass rate in 2025, surpassing the 89.3% achieved in 2024.
In conclusion, Mayor Nxamalala encouraged the matric students of 2025 to aim for excellence and surpass the achievements of the 2024 class. He highlighted the resilience shown during the challenges of COVID-19 and suggested that exceeding a pass rate of 89.3% is within reach for the district.

16 January 2025
On the 25th of January, as part of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality's back-to-school oversight programme, uMDM Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma, Chief Education Specialist( Curriculum)Mr Simelane and CES( Circuit Management) Mr Mncwabe from the District Director's office under the Department of Education as well as Edendale Circuit Manager Mr Zulu, visited Georgetown Secondary School in Edendale for a school inspection and to check on school readiness as the 2025 academic year begins.
Mr Mahlaba, the school principal, and Mr Blessing Ndimande, the SGB Chairperson, presented a brief report on the school's status, highlighting its Matric performance over the past three years which has been above 93%, with the class of 2024 scoring an impressive 97.6% pass rate. The Principal attributed the school’s success to the efforts of the SGB and the parents’ involvement in school affairs, as well as the culture of discipline that teachers have inculcated. Even more impressive is how the school has improved by no longer using chalkboards, but rather projectors and whiteboards, as an effort to ultimately create a paperless work environment.
The briefing included a school tour, which afforded the principals an opportunity to see first hand the challenges facing the school, which included ablution facilities and the kitchen which needs to be repaired.
The delegation had an opportunity to adress grade 12 and eight students. Addressing the Matrics, the Mayor first of all acknowledged the way the school is organised. “We are now aware that as matrics, already a week ago, you had started learning. This points to meticulous planning in preparation for the academic year,” said the Mayor. “We encourage you to focus on Education because if you do, that will help you live better lives, but also improve the conditions of your families and societies where you live” continued Nxamalala.
“The benchmark has been set by the class of 2024, and the expectation is that you will improve on that. In fact we want you to achieve 100%, to achieve that, it starts with each individual working hard to pass “, the Mayor concluded.
When he addressed grade 8 students, he encouraged them to follow school regulations and do well until they all reached grade 12. To achieve that, they have to respect their teachers and parents, and stay away from alcohol and other social ills. The Mayor “adopted” two matric learners, a boy and a girl, who are top achievers in Commerce, committing to cover their schooling needs by providing anything necessary support to them.
Nxamalala concluded his address by emphasizing that education is a societal issue and that where the department of education has not been able to give assistance , it is the responsibility for everyone to ensure that those requirements are met. He then committed to ensuring that the District Municipality supports the school with the provision of desks that are so much in need for the Matrics due to the shortage at the school, and also to support with facilitating the provision of adequate restroom facilities to make it more suitable to work for teachers and to learn for students.

10 December 2024
uMDM 16 Day of Activism Against Gender-based Violence Candlelight Ceremony
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, which began on November 25, 2024, are coming to an end. For uMgungundlovu District Municipality, the focus on gender awareness and programs continues throughout the year to serve our communities. To further raise awareness against GBV and promote positive behavior during the festive season, a candle lighting ceremony was held at the municipality's reception area. This initiative aimed to demonstrate care for the community's well-being and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
The session was attended by various officials including the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee Community Services, Cllr Sphe, HOD Corporate Services Ms T Hadebe , Bishop Ndlovu, representatives from uMgungundlovu Interfaith, and uMDM officials. Cllr Sphe Zungu addressed the attendees, urging men to take a stand against GBV and report any cases that affect them. She emphasized that GBV impacts individuals of all genders and highlighted the importance of educating youth about healthy relationships and HIV awareness.
As a symbol of unity in the fight against GBV, a candle lighting ceremony was led by Cllr Sphe Zungu and Bishop Ndlovu at the conclusion of the session. Participants signed a GBV awareness poster as a pledge to continue working together to combat gender-based violence.

02 December 2024
Local Government Communicators’ Forum Hosted by uMDM from 28-29 November 2024
The Local Government Communicators' Forum meeting, hosted by uMgungundlovu District Municipality at UMEDA Showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg, continued progressively.
Ms. Ndala Mngadi and Mr. Senzo Mzila gracefully co - chaired the meeting. Ms. Mngadi emphasized that the forum includes communication heads from government structures at the national, provincial, and local levels. She explained that this long-standing forum convenes quarterly to facilitate knowledge-sharing and best practices among communicators from various government spheres.
Notable departments in attendance at the meeting included KZN COGTA, KZN GCIS, KZN Salga, OTP KZN, uMngeni-uThukela Water, and the local municipalities under uMgungundlovu District Municipality (Richmond LM, Umshwathi LM, Mpofana LM, Msunduzi LM). Local government communicators from the KwaZulu-Natal Province and media entities such as The Witness and Igagasi fm were also present.
In his welcome address to the communicators in uMgungundlovu District, Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma acknowledged the pivotal role of government communicators and stressed the importance of understanding government institutions comprehensively. Mayor Zuma praised the LGCF meeting for adhering to constitutional principles of cooperative governance and highlighting the interconnectedness of the three government spheres. He encouraged the future hosting of the forum in uMgungundlovu District, mentioning the availability of sufficient accommodation facilities for attendees traveling from distant locations.

29 November 2024
UMeya we xwayise umphakathi e Richmond:
Izolo, UMayor womkhandlu wesifunda saseMgungundlovu, uKhansela Mzi Zuma, wedlulise amagama okuxwayisa abantu ngokubaluleka kokuthi baqaphele kakhulu ukuthi ukudla abakuthengayo bakudle noma kudliwe izingane, ukudla okufanelekile, okungakadlulelwa isikhathi futhi okulondolozwe ngendlela efanele emashalofini. Waphinde wagcizelela ukuthi ukudla okulahliwe ngenxa yokuthi akusalungile, bangalokothi basondele kukona bakusebenzise ngoba kunobungozi nobuthi obungalimaza izimpilo zabo.
UNxamalala ukhiphe lesixwayiso ngenkathi ehambele indawo ephakela abantu basendaweni kaWard 1 eRichmond ebizwa nge ”Good Samaritan”, lapho ebehambise khona izindodla zokudla ezizobalekelela emsebenzini wabo wokuphakela umphakathi.

25 November 2024
Zingu 21 kuLwezi 2024,uMkhandlu wesiFunda uMgungundlovu uqhube umshikashika wokulwisana nesihlava sezitolo ezincane (spaza shops) esisematheni muva nje, lapho ukugula, ikakhulukazi kwezingane kudlangile, emva kokuthi zidle ukudla ezikuthenge kulezitolo, kangangokuthi kunezingane ezishonile ngenxa yokudla ukudla osekuphelelwe isikhathi sokuthi kudliwe. Lomkhuba uvamise ikakhulu ezitolo lapho kudayisa khona abokufika kuleli.
Lokhu sekubangele nokuthi uMongameli wezwe uCyril Ramaphosa enze inkulumo eyibhekise esizweni ngaloludaba, lapho ebeke khona imiqathango ekumele ilandelwe omasipala kanye nezinhlaka ezithintekayo.
Namhlanje, ithimba ebeliholwa uMayor womasipala wesifunda uMgungundlovu uKhansela Mzi Zuma, okubalwa kulo uMayor womkhandlu wasekhaya eRichmond uKhansela Ngcongo, usekela Mayor u Khansela Mbanjwa, usihlalo wekomidi laka Community Services ukhansela Sphe Zungu, amakhansela omkhandlu, amaphoyisa, Home Affairs, Immigration Department, Umyango waka Environmental Health wase Mgungundlovu kanye nama officials, ase Richmond noMgungundlovu, bagaleleke eRichmond behambela lezitolo, kwancane indawo.
uMayor Zuma ekhuluma nabahlali emtholampilo wakulendaeo, kanjalo nasesikhungweni sokuphekela umphakathi isobho, uthe, "size lapha, ukuzonixwayisa ngobungozi obukhulu enibhekene nabo, esenibazi ngendaba yokuthenga ukudla okunobungozi obudayiswa ezitolo, ikakhulukazi zalaba bokufika. Izinto esizibhekayo la, okokuqala ukuthi banawo yini amaphepha okuthi babe la ezweni, okwesibili, banayo yini invume yokudayisa,okwesithathu, ngabe badayisa ukudla okulungile yini, okungakaphelelwa isikhathi, bese sibheka nenhlanzeko jikelele ukuthi ngabe abalali yini ezitolo nalapho begcina khona ukudla, ngabe kuhlanzekile yini" kuchaza uMayor.
Kulomkhankaso, kutholakale ukudla osekuphelelwe isikhathi, kwathathwa ukuthi kuyolahlwa, kwatholakala futhi kwaboshwa abahlanu abangenayo imvume yokuba lapha, kwaphinde kwavalwa izitolo ezinhlanu ebezingahlangabezani nemiqathango noma ababengenawo amaphepha emvume yokusebenza.
Lomkhankaso uyaqhubeka, kusisonke isifunda.

25 November 2024
The uMgungundlovu Local House strategic planning meeting, which spanned two days, concluded in a fantastic manner at Alpine Heath Resort. Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma presided over the event where Traditional Leadership was honored with awards in various categories for their dedicated efforts in their respective areas of oversight. Nxamalala expressed his confidence in the decisions and plans made during the meeting, highlighting the resolution to integrate the implementation of traditional structures' programs with municipal structures according to the District Development Model. The Mayor emphasized that the government values the outcomes of the uMgungundlovu Local House strategic planning, recognizing the importance of the issues discussed for municipalities and government as a whole.

31 January 2025
Public Notice

31 January 2025

28 January 2025
Earlier today, the Department of Education, under the leadership of District Director Mr. S Mabinza, presented the 2024 National Senior Certificate results for uMgungundlovu District to the District Mayor, Cllr Mzi Zuma, at the Council Chambers. The meeting was attended by various officials including uMDM Speaker Cllr N Gabela, uMDM Management, and Mr. S Mabinza and his team from the Department of Education.
A notable highlight from the presentation of the results was the impressive improvement in the performance of schools situated in rural and township areas. Mr. Mabinza praised uMgungundlovu District for maintaining a competitive pass rate, ranking within the top 15 out of 74 districts in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal.
Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma expressed his excitement, particularly congratulating a student from Emzamweni High School for winning an excellence award in Physical Sciences at a national level, showcasing the district's academic prowess. The Mayor emphasized the district’s dedication to education, urging immediate intervention for a high school with a pass rate of 46.7%. He also pledged the District Municipality's support to the Department of Education in order to achieve a 95% pass rate in 2025, surpassing the 89.3% achieved in 2024.
In conclusion, Mayor Nxamalala encouraged the matric students of 2025 to aim for excellence and surpass the achievements of the 2024 class. He highlighted the resilience shown during the challenges of COVID-19 and suggested that exceeding a pass rate of 89.3% is within reach for the district.

27 January 2025
Matric Results Presentation

17 January 2025

16 January 2025
Operation Clean Bill

16 January 2025
On the 25th of January, as part of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality's back-to-school oversight programme, uMDM Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma, Chief Education Specialist( Curriculum)Mr Simelane and CES( Circuit Management) Mr Mncwabe from the District Director's office under the Department of Education as well as Edendale Circuit Manager Mr Zulu, visited Georgetown Secondary School in Edendale for a school inspection and to check on school readiness as the 2025 academic year begins.
Mr Mahlaba, the school principal, and Mr Blessing Ndimande, the SGB Chairperson, presented a brief report on the school's status, highlighting its Matric performance over the past three years which has been above 93%, with the class of 2024 scoring an impressive 97.6% pass rate. The Principal attributed the school’s success to the efforts of the SGB and the parents’ involvement in school affairs, as well as the culture of discipline that teachers have inculcated. Even more impressive is how the school has improved by no longer using chalkboards, but rather projectors and whiteboards, as an effort to ultimately create a paperless work environment.
The briefing included a school tour, which afforded the principals an opportunity to see first hand the challenges facing the school, which included ablution facilities and the kitchen which needs to be repaired.
The delegation had an opportunity to adress grade 12 and eight students. Addressing the Matrics, the Mayor first of all acknowledged the way the school is organised. “We are now aware that as matrics, already a week ago, you had started learning. This points to meticulous planning in preparation for the academic year,” said the Mayor. “We encourage you to focus on Education because if you do, that will help you live better lives, but also improve the conditions of your families and societies where you live” continued Nxamalala.
“The benchmark has been set by the class of 2024, and the expectation is that you will improve on that. In fact we want you to achieve 100%, to achieve that, it starts with each individual working hard to pass “, the Mayor concluded.
When he addressed grade 8 students, he encouraged them to follow school regulations and do well until they all reached grade 12. To achieve that, they have to respect their teachers and parents, and stay away from alcohol and other social ills. The Mayor “adopted” two matric learners, a boy and a girl, who are top achievers in Commerce, committing to cover their schooling needs by providing anything necessary support to them.
Nxamalala concluded his address by emphasizing that education is a societal issue and that where the department of education has not been able to give assistance , it is the responsibility for everyone to ensure that those requirements are met. He then committed to ensuring that the District Municipality supports the school with the provision of desks that are so much in need for the Matrics due to the shortage at the school, and also to support with facilitating the provision of adequate restroom facilities to make it more suitable to work for teachers and to learn for students.

10 December 2024
uMDM 16 Day of Activism Against Gender-based Violence Candlelight Ceremony
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence, which began on November 25, 2024, are coming to an end. For uMgungundlovu District Municipality, the focus on gender awareness and programs continues throughout the year to serve our communities. To further raise awareness against GBV and promote positive behavior during the festive season, a candle lighting ceremony was held at the municipality's reception area. This initiative aimed to demonstrate care for the community's well-being and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
The session was attended by various officials including the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee Community Services, Cllr Sphe, HOD Corporate Services Ms T Hadebe , Bishop Ndlovu, representatives from uMgungundlovu Interfaith, and uMDM officials. Cllr Sphe Zungu addressed the attendees, urging men to take a stand against GBV and report any cases that affect them. She emphasized that GBV impacts individuals of all genders and highlighted the importance of educating youth about healthy relationships and HIV awareness.
As a symbol of unity in the fight against GBV, a candle lighting ceremony was led by Cllr Sphe Zungu and Bishop Ndlovu at the conclusion of the session. Participants signed a GBV awareness poster as a pledge to continue working together to combat gender-based violence.

02 December 2024
Local Government Communicators’ Forum Hosted by uMDM from 28-29 November 2024
The Local Government Communicators' Forum meeting, hosted by uMgungundlovu District Municipality at UMEDA Showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg, continued progressively.
Ms. Ndala Mngadi and Mr. Senzo Mzila gracefully co - chaired the meeting. Ms. Mngadi emphasized that the forum includes communication heads from government structures at the national, provincial, and local levels. She explained that this long-standing forum convenes quarterly to facilitate knowledge-sharing and best practices among communicators from various government spheres.
Notable departments in attendance at the meeting included KZN COGTA, KZN GCIS, KZN Salga, OTP KZN, uMngeni-uThukela Water, and the local municipalities under uMgungundlovu District Municipality (Richmond LM, Umshwathi LM, Mpofana LM, Msunduzi LM). Local government communicators from the KwaZulu-Natal Province and media entities such as The Witness and Igagasi fm were also present.
In his welcome address to the communicators in uMgungundlovu District, Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma acknowledged the pivotal role of government communicators and stressed the importance of understanding government institutions comprehensively. Mayor Zuma praised the LGCF meeting for adhering to constitutional principles of cooperative governance and highlighting the interconnectedness of the three government spheres. He encouraged the future hosting of the forum in uMgungundlovu District, mentioning the availability of sufficient accommodation facilities for attendees traveling from distant locations.

29 November 2024
UMeya we xwayise umphakathi e Richmond:
Izolo, UMayor womkhandlu wesifunda saseMgungundlovu, uKhansela Mzi Zuma, wedlulise amagama okuxwayisa abantu ngokubaluleka kokuthi baqaphele kakhulu ukuthi ukudla abakuthengayo bakudle noma kudliwe izingane, ukudla okufanelekile, okungakadlulelwa isikhathi futhi okulondolozwe ngendlela efanele emashalofini. Waphinde wagcizelela ukuthi ukudla okulahliwe ngenxa yokuthi akusalungile, bangalokothi basondele kukona bakusebenzise ngoba kunobungozi nobuthi obungalimaza izimpilo zabo.
UNxamalala ukhiphe lesixwayiso ngenkathi ehambele indawo ephakela abantu basendaweni kaWard 1 eRichmond ebizwa nge ”Good Samaritan”, lapho ebehambise khona izindodla zokudla ezizobalekelela emsebenzini wabo wokuphakela umphakathi.

25 November 2024
Zingu 21 kuLwezi 2024,uMkhandlu wesiFunda uMgungundlovu uqhube umshikashika wokulwisana nesihlava sezitolo ezincane (spaza shops) esisematheni muva nje, lapho ukugula, ikakhulukazi kwezingane kudlangile, emva kokuthi zidle ukudla ezikuthenge kulezitolo, kangangokuthi kunezingane ezishonile ngenxa yokudla ukudla osekuphelelwe isikhathi sokuthi kudliwe. Lomkhuba uvamise ikakhulu ezitolo lapho kudayisa khona abokufika kuleli.
Lokhu sekubangele nokuthi uMongameli wezwe uCyril Ramaphosa enze inkulumo eyibhekise esizweni ngaloludaba, lapho ebeke khona imiqathango ekumele ilandelwe omasipala kanye nezinhlaka ezithintekayo.
Namhlanje, ithimba ebeliholwa uMayor womasipala wesifunda uMgungundlovu uKhansela Mzi Zuma, okubalwa kulo uMayor womkhandlu wasekhaya eRichmond uKhansela Ngcongo, usekela Mayor u Khansela Mbanjwa, usihlalo wekomidi laka Community Services ukhansela Sphe Zungu, amakhansela omkhandlu, amaphoyisa, Home Affairs, Immigration Department, Umyango waka Environmental Health wase Mgungundlovu kanye nama officials, ase Richmond noMgungundlovu, bagaleleke eRichmond behambela lezitolo, kwancane indawo.
uMayor Zuma ekhuluma nabahlali emtholampilo wakulendaeo, kanjalo nasesikhungweni sokuphekela umphakathi isobho, uthe, "size lapha, ukuzonixwayisa ngobungozi obukhulu enibhekene nabo, esenibazi ngendaba yokuthenga ukudla okunobungozi obudayiswa ezitolo, ikakhulukazi zalaba bokufika. Izinto esizibhekayo la, okokuqala ukuthi banawo yini amaphepha okuthi babe la ezweni, okwesibili, banayo yini invume yokudayisa,okwesithathu, ngabe badayisa ukudla okulungile yini, okungakaphelelwa isikhathi, bese sibheka nenhlanzeko jikelele ukuthi ngabe abalali yini ezitolo nalapho begcina khona ukudla, ngabe kuhlanzekile yini" kuchaza uMayor.
Kulomkhankaso, kutholakale ukudla osekuphelelwe isikhathi, kwathathwa ukuthi kuyolahlwa, kwatholakala futhi kwaboshwa abahlanu abangenayo imvume yokuba lapha, kwaphinde kwavalwa izitolo ezinhlanu ebezingahlangabezani nemiqathango noma ababengenawo amaphepha emvume yokusebenza.
Lomkhankaso uyaqhubeka, kusisonke isifunda.

25 November 2024
The uMgungundlovu Local House strategic planning meeting, which spanned two days, concluded in a fantastic manner at Alpine Heath Resort. Mayor Cllr Mzi Zuma presided over the event where Traditional Leadership was honored with awards in various categories for their dedicated efforts in their respective areas of oversight. Nxamalala expressed his confidence in the decisions and plans made during the meeting, highlighting the resolution to integrate the implementation of traditional structures' programs with municipal structures according to the District Development Model. The Mayor emphasized that the government values the outcomes of the uMgungundlovu Local House strategic planning, recognizing the importance of the issues discussed for municipalities and government as a whole.
Next at uMgungundlovu
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